Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Justice kidnapped

The resolution adopted by the Third Penal Guarantees Court of Pichincha in the trial established against Marcelo Rivera, National President of FEUE, is a clear evidence of the subjection of justice to the will of the President of the Republic. Undoubtedly, Correa has kidnapped the judicial function

It is not difficult to see that. Saturday to Saturday Rafael Correa ordered either to the public prosecutor, judges or governors take steps to prosecute or imprison those who he believes are a danger to his government. During the days of struggle that college students took out in defense of free education and university autonomy, Correa ordered the arrest of Marcelo Rivera and, later, was introduced against a criminal trial has resulted in a sentence of three years in prison. Correa also ordered against several popular leaders, including Mery Zamora, president of the National UNE, William Pazmino UNE of Guayas, forcing them to remain in hiding, also asked that action be taken against the mayor and prefect of Esmeraldas. Overall, In general to more than a hundred popular fighters face prosecution against them for the crime of protesting. Always regarded the protest as a right, the same Constitution recognizes the right of resistance and a series of letters and international legal instruments recognize the right to claim, to free expression, individual and collective mobilization, but in Ecuador it has become a crime. With the resolution of the Third Court is clear that Correa orders and the judges fulfill, but also the criminalization of popular protest is taking shape. If the popular movement allows that this position predominates, the voice and action of the social movements in general will be located like destabilizing calls and conspiratorial actions. already Correa called in this way the struggle of peasants against the Water Law also to the people that resist to large-scale mining and open pit. Criminalize social protest equivalent to put in the same rank of the common criminal to liders of protest actions or struggles and organizations that are behind them as unlawful associations. Such adjectives we've already heard in the words of President.


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